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KRRC Service Numbers

Every Soldier was assigned an Army Service Number when enlisting in the British Army. Knowing a Soldiers Army Number and Regiment can aid researchers in knowing details about his service history.

Lance Corporal James Littler, 12th Battalion The King's Royal Rifle Corps, 1915

Lance Corporal James Littler, 12th Battalion The King's Royal Rifle Corps, 1915

Below is a list of Army service numbers issued to men joining the King's Royal Rifle Corps (KRRC) between 1881 and August 1915. Beside each number is the date the Soldier with that number Joined the regiment. This information and more about Army Numbers can be found at

315 - 10th December 1881
507 - 21st December 1882
876 - 21st April 1883
1616 - 21st January 1884
2638 - 10th January 1885
3489 - 18th March 1886
4221 - 9th November 1887
4289 - 11th January 1888
5054 - 13th March 1889
5566 - 15th January 1890
6211 - 31st January 1891
7056 - 2nd February 1892
7954 - 11th March 1893
8452 - 27th January 1894
8979 - 28th March 1895
9610 - 2nd October 1896
9795 - 5th January 1897


By 8th June 1914, numbers had increased to 11615 to account for a influx of men joining one of the four regular battalions of the King's Royal Rifle Corps. Therefore, new recruits to the KRRC were not given numbers from the series from that being used by the regular battalions. Instead, according to their status, and the battalions they were joining. They were given numbers from several new series, these numbers prefixed with different letters. So A/ prefix men (up to the low 3900s at least) were Army Reservists who had been discharged or whose numbers had been re-allocated and who were now re-enlisting. R/ prefix men were New Army men; C/ prefix men were also New Army men joining the 16th to 21st Battalions. 

But during the First World War men could, and did, still enlist with the KRRC for regular terms of service (seven years with the Colours and five years on the Reserve), and army service numbers for these men continued to be drawn from the same series that had been in use before the First World war began.

11770 - 12th August 1914
12207 - 6th January 1915
12284 - 1st February 1915
12371 - 9th March 1915
12413 - 3rd April 1915
12508 - 6th May 1915
12671 - 30th June 1915
12745 - 3rd August 1915

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